How Long Are Psychiatry Wait Times in Ontario?

June 26, 2023

Updated October 10, 2023
3.5 min read


It can often take more than four months to get an appointment.

Written by Camilla Eidelshtein


According to Stats Canada, nearly one in five Canadians 12 or older require access to mental health services. Less than half are actually able to access these services. While the advent of online therapy platforms has made psychotherapists and counsellors more accessible, psychiatrists remain out of reach.

Psychiatrists, unlike psychotherapists, can diagnose and prescribe medication for mental health conditions. But in Ontario, it takes at least four months, and sometimes more than a year, to see a psychiatrist. The Children’s Mental Health Ontario (CMHO) 2020 report states that children and youth (18 and under) can wait up to 2.5 years for psychiatric services.

Why does it take so long to see a psychiatrist?

There are about 1900 registered psychiatrists in Ontario, with the majority practicing in mostly urban areas (e.g. Toronto). A Stats Canada report states that there are about 15.7 psychiatrists per 100,000 residents in Ontario.

More than half of practicing psychiatrists in the province are reaching retirement age and even more are tapering down on the amount of clients they choose to take on. This deficit is more severe in rural areas of the province. 

The referral process for mental health care can also be complex and confusing. In many cases, a person must first see a family doctor before being referred to a psychiatrist, adding additional time to the already tedious process. Some people might not have the time and resources to navigate the system. 

When should I see a psychiatrist?

There are many reasons that people seek out the help of psychiatrists. Psychiatrists are medical doctors whose specialty is diagnosing and treating mental health conditions and have much more training in this specialty than family doctors.

As a result, psychiatrists are equipped to deal with complex mental health issues that might be affecting your performance at school or work and negatively impacting your relationships and family life.

Some people may also see a psychiatrist to receive a formal diagnosis of a mental health condition, including ADHD, OCD, and anxiety, which can then help them receive accommodations in school or university, like extra time on tests. In addition, psychiatrists can prescribe and help you find the optimal dose of medications for treating these conditions.

Are psychiatry visits covered in Ontario through OHIP and UHIP?

In Ontario, a visit to a psychiatrist is free because it is covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) for domestic students. It is also covered for international students with a University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP).

Are psychiatry visits covered in other provinces?

Yes, psychiatrists are covered by public health insurance elsewhere in Canada.

How we can help

We understand that accessing psychiatric care and support is no easy feat. Stress, frustration, and discouragement are common feelings when on the search for the right, and most accessible psychiatrist. 

At Resolvve, we believe that mental health care requires teamwork. Our partnership with Psychotherapy Matters helps us to get the ball rolling when providing clients with the psychiatric and therapeutic care they need.

After meeting and consulting with one of our therapists, we can book a collaborative appointment with a psychiatrist in three to six weeks, shortening the standard wait time. Your therapist and psychiatrist will work together through diagnosis, assessment, treatment, and other accommodations.

Set up an appointment with Resolvve today to see how we can help.

**Please note, this is article is not therapy or a replacement for it. Engaging with it does not constitute a therapeutic relationship of any kind with the writer. Please seek professional help if needed.**

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